Digital connectivity is a force for social good. Charities must harness it
- The Guardian
This article talks about how different sectors including the charity sector are facing a digital transformation. this 'threatens the civil society' due to things like fake news that have affected referendums and elections. 'connectivity makes the extreme more visible, but it can also amplify the good work of charities.'
Video continue to dominate social media
- charities face enormous challenges in using social media strategically as communication channels.
According to the Global NGO Tech Report, only 32% of non-profit organisations have a written social media strategy.
Messaging and chatbots
- charities can use this as a way to communicate with supporters and vice versa. Platforms like Facebook allow bots at little cost to be designed to be of use.
In Liberia, for example, the bot asked 13,000 young people if their school teachers were exchanging grades for sex. Some 86% said yes, uncovering a widespread problem and prompting Liberia’s education minister to work with Unicef to tackle it.
Engaging mobile
90% of media interactions taking place via a screen, and 38% taking place on a smartphone
According to Reason Digital, charities missed out on an estimated £1.5bn of donations last year due to high bounce rates on mobile devices. People using mobile devices to view a charity website are more likely to leave after visiting one page, compared to users viewing from a desktop.
A social good is a service that benefits the largest number of people in the largest possible way. for example Journalism is considered a social good because it does just that and reaches a large audience. They provide quality news for the audience and it is a way for them to keep informed and up to date with the important things that are going on around them. So digital connectivity can be a social good as it is a way for people to keep up to date with the community and world around them. Therefore charities can benefit from this if they find the best strategy to boost their communication with people.
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