Tuesday, 16 January 2018

NDM 27

Logan Paul: YouTube reprimands star vlogger over Japan 'suicide forest' video
- The Guardian

This article is focused in Logan Paul and Youtube. He released a video the day before the new year that exploits a person who had recently committed suicide. He received backlash soon after the upload and despite going against Youtube guidelines the video was not taken down until Logan himself took it down. He then posted an 'apology' on twitter following with an apology video on his vlog channel after. Youtube as well issued an open letter addressing the issue and apologising for their 'failure to respond to the situation immediately'. As a result of his action he has been taken off the Youtube premium advertisement lineup. and a couple of his individual project related to Youtube Red have been 'postponed' - however not cancelled.
  • "the company apologized for its failure to respond to the controversy earlier, writing: “It’s taken us a long time to respond, but we’ve been listening to everything you’ve been saying. We know that the actions of one creator can affect the entire community, so we’ll have more to share soon on steps we’re taking to ensure a video like this is never circulated again.”"
I think this shows us how social media has changed our attitude to certain things. The fact that many people including social media influencers used their voices to express their disgust towards Logan Pauls actions shows how the media has changed into his more pluiralist platform.

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