Wednesday, 22 November 2017

NDM 18

Katharine Viner: in turbulent times, we need good journalism more than ever
- The guardian

This article talks about how good journalism in a sense is dying out and that there is a 'march against free speech'. The fact that Facebook has replaced editors with algorithms and accused politicians of constantly undermining journalisms public interest role in democracy. Despite the positive outcomes that the internet has allowed us, it has been also filled with bullies, misogynists and racists that bring a new kind of hysteria to public debate.
I agree with the fact that politicians specifically Donald trump has been known to undermine Journalism's public interest role in democracy with him labelling news that go against his views as 'fake news'. This emphasises the effect of new and digital media on traditional journalism as it is being replaced by algorithms that target audiences. which show that specific types of news are tailored to the peoples interests. Therefore, not giving them a variety of different news that showcase a range of different opinions.

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