Monday, 9 October 2017


Meet the millennials who are making a living from livestreaming
-The Guardian

Emma Jacobs with a giant snail

People are now livestreaming their day to day life in hopes that it would gain them some profit. An example Day who is an estate agent, in his free time livestreams his personal life or even him playing games. He gets money from virtual gifts that strangers send him that amount to a certain amount of money, he has attracted 7000 viewers. Livestreaming has become a career for people in the sense that it has become something that has been done by different social media platforms by different social media influencers such as Youtube, Younow etc. Another example is Emma Jacobs who likes to livestream herself with different exotic animals and she talks about how people can get over their fear of certain animals and other interesting facts.

I think it is interesting how simple things like watching someones life can be entertaining to some people. The fact that people use this growing social media platform to find new ways to gain profit and do something that they may find interesting that other people can equally enjoy is quite smart. In the sense that it may - however can be - not be their official job but it is quite free in how you spend your time when livestreaming which is a reason to why it can appeal to people.

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