Monday, 2 October 2017


Breaking News: Princess Diana’s death in the pre-social media world
- Independent

This story talks about how different we receive news nowadays compared to the past based on Princess Diana's death. It goes into the fact that back then broadcasting news was not so simple but it was one of the main sources of news. When a BBC reporter who was broadcasting at night received news of the accident and then later on the death of the Princess. There were certain things that had to be taken into consideration such as waiting for the Buckingham Palace to confirm and announce the news before the news outlets were able to. However, in comparison if her death was to be broadcasted now it is assumed to be different in the sense that everything is so instant and with people posting things on social media it is almost difficult to control however some say it still may have been the same. Lastly, the way people would have responded to the news would have been similar in the sense that back then people would pay their respects at different monuments and express their emotions and feelings on different outlets whereas now on social media people would spread hashtags and tweet their respects.
  • Today, our media has changed irreversibly. We learn news instantly, and get to see it raw, live and unedited – for better or for worse
 In my opinion, I believe that this is true and the fact that how news is received has changed drastically and rapidly over the years. It can be argued that it has been changed for the better in the sense that we don't have to wait to find out what has been going on around the world and that news travels within seconds. I feel like an event like Princess Diana's death has brought a significant change on the importance on instant news and how we receive our news and has further influenced the fact that later on with the 9/11 attack, news outlets were able to broadcast it live 4 hours after the first plane.

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