Monday, 5 February 2018

NDM 34

My internet usage is getting harder to manage and worrying me. What should I do?
- The Guardian

The Internet is a blessing and a curse. it allows an individual to be everywhere all at the same time. "my distractions used to be external. Now they are in my hand."
Online interaction can be a cure for loneliness however this can result to an individual's inability to develop offline relationships. for example, women look at online inspiration when it comes to fitness but it has been found to have an opposite effect in the sense that it instead caused insecurities and demotivation.

I agree with this in the sense that it basically is saying that the internet is becoming something that is widely used for a variety of different things and that it has become closely related to our daily lives maybe even to much. It can be argued that we have become a generation dependant on online activity and connectivity.

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