Monday, 22 January 2018

NDM 30

Apple's Tim Cook: 'I don't want my nephew on a social network'
- The Guardian

This article talks about how Tim Cook doesn't believe that we should overuse social media and that he also doesn't let his nephew use social media. He is admired for his passion to do things other than for profit motive. It also mentions how introducing coding at an early age will help with gender diversity.
  • On Wednesday, Apple announced it would spend $30bn in the US over the next five years, creating 20,000 new jobs, a decision the US president attributed to his tax reforms.
  • (Apple is on track to be the first $1tn firm).
  • Of the reporting in the Paradise Papers, he said: “I think the press is essential to any functioning democracy. I’m a huge believer in it.”
This I think can be seen as a large company that is starting to use their power and influence to advocate issues that are prominent in society in terms of the DACA issue and LGBT rights and also gender inequality. This is refreshing to see.

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