- There's definite potential here in the way you cover a range of different ideas and examples. Your pluralism paragraph is excellent - need to reach that standard more consistently
- Overall this lacks depth and sophistication. You write a lot of short paragraphs that never offer enough for the higher levels. Look over your last couple of pages - very repetitive in paragraph structure
- Need sharper focus on question: Democracy and participation.
- Lacking theories and examples.
2) Read through the mark scheme (go to the last two pages of the document - Section B New/digital media). Of the six different statements for each level (e.g. A sophisticated and comprehensive essay, showing very good critical autonomy.) write which level you think YOU are currently working at for each one. Explain WHY and, for any that are not Level 4, what you are going to do to improve in that area.
- A good essay, showing good critical autonomy. (Level 3)
- Proficient understanding of new and digital media. (Level 3)
- Focuses mainly on the question. (Level 2)
- A basic application of some media debates or issues or theories or wider context (level 1)
- Evidence of a case study and supported by some examples. (level 1)
3) Look at the Examiners' Report for this particular paper. Read page 10 - Section B New/digital media. How many of the good points or higher level answer examples did you include in your essay? What were they? What could you have added to improve your mark?
To improve my mark I could've added more information using media issues, debates and wider contexts. I could have also included debates on the obstacles of equal participation and democracy including things like the power and control of media organisations. I also need to have more focus on the question and include as many examples from new and digital media.
4) Read through these exemplar A grade essays from previous Media graduates. What do these essays offer that yours does not? Identify THREE things you can take from these essays to improve your own responses in future.
- Consistent use of media terminology
- Consistent use of key words to help link back to the question throughout
- A lot of examples given
- Media Theories
5) Write ONE new paragraph for your January assessment essay. Ideally, this should be a section you did not cover in your original essay. This paragraph needs to be comprehensive and meet the criteria for Level 4 of the mark scheme. Minimum 300 words.
Globalisation allows for the world to become more accessible
and people are enriched by getting to know and understand it better. This also
increases choice and the opportunities for people to feel empowered. The fact
that we have access to information can allow us to make informed decisions when
it comes to things like politics and other issues like the recent Logan Paul
scandal which allowed many people from around the world to give their opinion
after receiving information. The fact that a major platform like Youtube had to
come to a middle ground with the audience, shows that the internet is becoming
more of a democratic space and that other peoples voices are being considered
and listened to. However, despite the benefits that globalisation brings this
can’t be said for equal participation as these benefits are provided by a few major
organisation. The fact that smaller companies have little to no hope of staking
a claim on the global market as they won’t be able to compete with companies
like Google, Facebook, Twitter etc. This could link to the idea of Marxism as a
small number of large companies are controlling the wider audiences. We are
given the illusion of power which can include the illusion that we have an
equal participation in what goes on in the internet.
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