Thursday, 28 September 2017

NDM Baseline assessment: Learner response

Your learner response is as follows:

1) Look over your essay, read it back in full and examine any feedback given. Read the A 
grade exemplar essay from a past A* student. What does the A* essay do well that you need to improve on?

- I need to explain my critical Autonomy in more detail to make sure it makes sense. Also I think that I need to do the same for my examples. There isn't enough detail that really backs up my post and therefore it restricts me from getting the higher level grades that I would like to get. The phrasing of my sentences are not specific to the questions and quite vague and simplistic. Also, despite answering the audience part of the question to my best ability, in terms of new and digital media, in order to get the top marks I feel like answering why audiences are empowered isn't enough and that it should be compared to the opposite side of the argument in which if the institutions are empowered. Which would be the case regardless if I had stated in the exam that audiences were not empowered, who would then be empowered would ultimately be the institutions.

This A* exemplar essay goes into detail with her examples and it is very relevant to the specific point she is giving in response to the question. Which is what I lacked in. Also, she linked her answers to theorists such as Marxism and Briggs and Burke. In my essay I failed to mention any theory.

2) Read the Examiners' Report for this exam as outlined above and write three bullet points that summarise the key comments that apply to your essay.

- Higher level answers looked at both sides of the argument when looking into audiences empowerment
- Higher level answers had clear focus - Which is what I lacked in
- Needed a wider range of case studies that can be expanded on in depth.

3) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential)
A solid argument that focuses on empowerment and looks at both sides of the argument.
- You need to address the whole question - It lacks focus on values and ideologies. #
- You need far more detailed examples, statistics and theories.
- More needs to be spoken about on institutional power vs audiences power.

4) Write a new, detailed paragraph to add to your essay that addresses one of the LRs/EBIs specified in your feedback. This may be the other side of the argument (the idea that audiences are not empowered) or perhaps a new or improved example from the wider media. Make sure this is an extremely well-developed paragraph of several hundred words, encompassing media issues, debates, examples and theories wherever possible.

Developments in new and digital media mean that audiences can now have access to a greater variety of views and values. To what extent are audiences empowered.

New and digital media has brought a major change in our society and the fact that there is a greater chance in people accessing the internet. A dominant ideology in our society is consumerism and the fact that we have more worth depending on the amount of materialistic goods we have. New and digital media has certainly brought a change to these ideologies and values in the sense that it is something that has been amplified by the media, most specifically social media. The fact that people, usually the younger generation, are now going online to post more materialistic things such as their expensive clothes, accessories or objects. This highlights the fact that the internet has increased the need for us to be consumed by that idea. Not only that but it could be argued that consumerist ideology empowers institutions as they can use this to their advantage in order to make profits. They can create targeted advertisements not based on what we need but based on what we want, what we want the world to see that we can have.

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